Flexible solution for inventory
In a room-based solution, it can be more difficult to keep as good track of your textile stock as in a cabinet-based solution. This is because withdrawals are sometimes not registered. So over time the difference between what the system has registered and what is actually in the room increases. Therefore, inventory should be periodically carried out in a room-based solution.
A completely manually performed inventory can take a long time and is rarely completely accurate. Texi offers a solution to boring and energy-consuming inventory with the hand-held scanner, Texi Mobile Reader. With a simple push of a button, the scanner can be swept over textiles and scans the chips inside them. The chips are then registered and entered into the Texi Management System where information about all your textiles is stored.
The scanner can be used if chip technology with UHF is used. If an HF chip is used, there is another type of scanner that requires the associated Texi Information Display to display the information. This display is also used for handling and confirmation of textile deliveries.